WP1 - Coordination and Management
Lead: SUBMARINER Network
- D1.1 – Strategy for Addressing the Ethics and IP in the Project (Draft)
- D1.2 – Risk Management plan (Draft)
- D1.3 – Initial Data Management Plan (Draft)
- D1.4 – Final Data Management Plan

WP2 - Science-based Conservation Objectives
- D2.1 – Setting the framework: Biodiversity indicators and science-based tools to set conservation objectives
- D2.2 – Roadmap with a toolkit for identification of ecological corridors in the EU Sea-basins
- D2.3 – BLUE CONNECT framework for an ecosystem-functioning-based definition of conservation objectives
- D2.4 – BLUE CONNECT framework applications at Demo sites
- D2.5 – Final guideline for defining conservation objectives in the EU
WP3 - Co-defining conservation measures to achieve the conservation objectives
- D3.1 – Audit of MPA pressure management: towards conservation measures and actions required at local or regional scale to mitigate environmental risks to MPAs
- D3.2 – Barriers and enablers to the definition and implementation of conservation measures
- D3.3 – Ocean Literacy toolkit
- D3.4 – Story map about best practices and lessons learned on co-management
- D3.5 – Governance toolbox for co-defining and implementation of conservation and restoration measures

WP4 - Showcasing effective co-ownership and co- management: engaging stakeholders and citizens
Lead: CCMS
- D4.1 – Scoping and shortfall analysis on baseline data and practices to support achieving efficient MPA conservation and management
- D4.2 – Guideline for MPAs to access the funds: building MPA business and financing plans
- D4.3 – A catalogue of showcased management solutions
- D4.4 – Innovative and effective stakeholder toolkit for building active engagement and long- term ownership
WP5- Ensuring effective conservation
Lead: UMA
- D5.1 – Best practices in MPA monitoring and assessment
- D5.2 – Inventory and assessment of innovative monitoring techniques
- D5.3 – Recommendations for improving ecological performance of Demo sites D5.4 – Lessons learned in best practices in MPA monitoring and evaluation

WP6 - Conservation planning and management Blueprint development and upscaling strategy
Lead: WWF Med
- D6.1 – Synthesis of Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Conservation Planning and Management
- D6.2 – Scalability, transferability and deployment plan for the Blueprint
- D6.3 – Final conservation planning and management Blueprint including the strategic plan for scalability and transferability
WP7 Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation
Lead: SUBMARINER Network
D7.1 – Communication Strategy (Draft)
D7.2 – Story maps on the project Demo sites
D7.3 – Report of capacity building and TRW events
D7.5 – Update of theExploitation plan with the Final Dissemination Report
D7.6 – Policy brief