Italian Northern Adriatic
Why this site?
The Northern Adriatic is an ideal location for a project aimed at enhancing the marine conservation network due to its remarkable biodiversity, unique ecological characteristics, and variety of habitats. This area is one of the most productive and biologically rich in the Mediterranean, hosting numerous marine species of significant commercial and ecological value. However, the ecosystem is under pressure from human activities, such as intensive fishing, shipping, tourism, coastal development and climate change, making an integrated management approach urgent.
Trezze San Pietro e Bardelli, represents one of the biggest Natura 2000 sites in the region and it protects 2 habitats, and 5 species protected under the Habitat and Bird Directives, although its importance extends to other species of ecosystem importance (e.g. some species of sharks).
This important site lacks an implemented management plan. Moreover, the Italian MSP plan considered the potential extent of this site. Hence, it is fundamental to work, together with the coastal community, to establish a set of rules and improve its governance to enhance its biodiversity. The results can be used to scale up the chosen approach for this case study to other marine areas in the region and beyond.
Ecosystem characteristics
Biodiversity varies with surrounding substrates (muds, fine and coarse sands) and includes typical maërl elements noted in the Action Plan for the Conservation of Coralligenous Habitats. These areas’ structural complexity and hydrological features create essential habitats for marine species, including rare phytobenthic organisms and demersal and pelagic fish. Specifically, the outcrops are vital breeding sites for sharks such as the blue shark (Prionace glauca), nursehound (Scyliorhinus stellaris), lesser spotted dogfish (S. canicula), and smooth-hound (Mustelus mustelus).
The environmental value and biodiversity of the trezze attract scientific attention and stakeholders like divers and fishers but face threats from anthropogenic pressures, including destructive fishing practices and declining water quality due to nearby rivers and lagoons. Therefore, it is fundamental to establish and implement together with the stakeholders, a management plan to improve the governance and enhance its biodiversity.
- Lack of a management plan
- Lack of a co-management table that put together key stakeholders
- Distance from the coast and related management of the Natura 2000 site Trezze San Pietro e Bardelli and control difficulties.
What will be demonstrated?
Stakeholders consultation and involvement, at all stages of the project, is not only needed but essential to implement maritime spatial management plans that aim to improve the environmental, social and economic context.
Activities to be
carried out
- Creation of a co-management table (LSWG, Local Stakeholders Working Group) for the Natura 2000 site ‘Trezze San Pietro e Bardelli’;
- Establishment and implementation of the management plan for the Natura 2000 site ‘Trezze San Pietro e Bardelli'”