SUBMON launches BLUE CONNECT activities in L’Albera Demo Site

A few days ago, SUBMON began its activities at L'Albera demo site with a public event at the Casa de Cultura in Llançà. The gathering served as an opportunity to introduce the BLUE CONNECT project and it brought together local residents, conservation enthusiasts, and marine professionals to learn about the project’s goals and explore ways to contribute to the conservation of their marine environment.

During the event, active restoration efforts for Posidonia oceanica meadows were also launched. This initiative relies on community participation, using recovered shoots that have been naturally uprooted by storms. To support this process, SUBMON has set up designated collection boxes at the Port of Llançà, where the shoots will be preserved until they can be replanted.

Beyond presenting the project, the event provided a platform to gather valuable insights from attendees regarding the protection of the area. Understanding the perspectives of the local community is key to developing a co-management approach that ensures the long-term conservation of this vital marine ecosystem.

L’Albera Demo Site is located along the coves of Canyelles and Rastell in Llançà, and it is part of the Natura 2000 site of L’Albera, a Site of Community Importance (SCI). Llançà was the ideal venue for this event, allowing SUBMON to engage the local community directly in restoration efforts while also assessing their views on conservation priorities and protection measures.

The event attracted a diverse audience, including local residents, members of the open-water swimming club, and staff from the Llançà diving centre, highlighting strong community interest in marine conservation.

The BLUE CONNECT project enables SUBMON to continue working in L’Albera to ensure its conservation through an approach that combines scientific research, restoration, and community engagement. Further updates on restoration efforts will follow as the project progresses.

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